Legendary Nashville Hall of Fame songwriter Kent Blazy, co-wrote If Tomorrow Never Comes, Ain’t Going Down, Gettin’ You Home (The Black Dress Song), That’s What I Get For Lovin’ You and many more. Hear about the songwriting and recording process of this legend. And listen to the inside story on his first meeting with Garth Brooks as well as the development of his latest album For the Byrds. You are going to love Kent Blazy…humble, talented, smart and easy to know.
Jay Richards discusses his book The Price of Panic
Success Made to Last Author’s Corner with Dr. Tony O’Driscoll penned an incredible book titled Everyday Superhero: How You Can Inspire Everyone and Create Real Change At Work. If in your leadership position you are struggling to create profound, lasting change in your culture, this book AND PODCAST today are for you. Hear how Tony came to write Everyday Superhero. Enjoy learning about who has influenced his philosophy from Dr. Stephen Covey and Joseph Campbell. Put your people at the heart of the transformation where they feel a calling and purpose at work.
H.W.Brands, America's leading historian, talks about Abe Lincoln and other Presidents
H.W. Brands, America’s leading historian, and consultant to the Broadway hit Hamilton, talks about Abe Lincoln, Richard Nixon, Theodore Roosevelt and others. NOBODY has the perspective of H.W. The author of over 30 books, H.W. Brands helps us love history and dig a little deeper into our past…with a passion.
Big White Ghetto author Kevin Williamson let's his id vent.
National Review’s Kevin Williamson is on Success Made to Last with one of the most intellectually stimulating interviews of the year with our Tim Moore. He champions the notion of individuals. Williamson is the author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Socialism (2011, Regnery), The End Is Near and It’s Going to Be Awesome (2013, HarperCollins/Broadside Books), The Dependency Agenda (2013, Encounter Books), and The Case against Trump (2015, Encounter Books), and has contributed chapters to The New Leviathan: The State Vs. the Individual in the 21st Century (2013, Encounter Books) and Future Tense: The Lessons of Culture in an Age of Upheaval (2013, Encounter Books). His Big White Ghetto debuts Fall 2020.
H.W. Brands is historical author extraordinaire of over 30 books! He is Success' Master Storyteller.
H.W. Brands taught at Texas A&M University for sixteen years before joining the faculty at the University of Texas at Austin, where he is the Dickson Allen Anderson Centennial Professor of History. His books include Traitor to His Class, Andrew Jackson, The Age of Gold, The First American, and TR. Traitor to His Class and The First American were finalists for the Pulitzer Prize.
Stewart Emery reveals the expression of mastery moving from imitation to infusing your own spirit
Stewart Emery takes the stage again talking about becoming ENDURINGLY SUCCESSFUL. When you move from imitation to infusing your own uniqueness, spirit and soul, you create flow and have transcended into mastery. Hear the important steps you can take.
Ask yourself…what if you could?
Jack Canfield talks about self esteem, mastery, and best version principles with Stewart Emery.
Jack Canfield, New York Times best of the best selling author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, talks with Stewart Emery about self esteem, mastery, success principles and a life of friendship. However, the greatest point of this show is the conversation between two old friends. For instance, they let their guards down and discuss stuff that really matters in life.
Interested early on about W. Clement Stone and Napoleon Hill, he learned the material and started teaching principles to high school students in Chicago. Self esteem is the experience of feeling lovable, included, unconditional self acceptance. It is built by what you do for other people.
Jack wants to be remembered as a person who inspired and empowered people to live their highest vision in the context of love and joy. Listen to “Jack Canfield” on Spreaker.
Mr. Canfield reveals that he needed more self esteem for himself. Jack was terribly shy. He never felt he was enough. Isn’t authoring 200 books enough?
Catch how Jack moved to an abundance mentality. After taking Stewart’s training on EST, he discovered that his training could scale.
Steve Brown, Radio Host Extraordinaire, talks about movement for authenticity
Steve Brown, author of Hidden Agendas, is one of the most popular radio hosts of all time. Hear his deep voice and let his stories pour over you. We are often very phony. We are very needy. Just be honest about who we are…Teaching a course in post moderns, Steve says “stop being so religious.” Don’t pretend to be something you aren’t. Cut others some slack.
Be authentic, be humble.
Tom DeLong, former assistant to Stephen Covey and Harvard Professor introduces Gratitude Breakfasts
Tom DeLong, former research assistant to Stephen Covey, helped formulate the Seven Habits of Effective People. Now a successful Harvard professor, he talks about sharpening his saw (one of the Seven Habits) with inventive relationship building activities like Gratitude Breakfast with his wife. Author of the best selling book, Teachers at Heart, Tom shares a poignant story on what made him cry as a teacher. Listen to the very end. This show is presented by www.blinkist.com. Get 25% off your annual subscription by using the promotion code- www.blinkist.com/success.
Dr. Ken Blanchard in a rare moment responding to his most famous quotes.
Dr. Ken Blanchard, THE ONE MINUTE MANAGER, spends 10 minutes giving us his one of a kind interpretation of the greatest leadership quotes of all time.
Dr. Gary Chapman, Author of Five Love Languages shares insights on best version relationships.
Be entertained and informed by this fun and insightful interview with Dr. Gary Chapman talking Five Love Languages of Quality Time, Words of Affirmation, Gifts, Acts of Service and Physical Touch. Moreover, Dr. Chapman has ministered to over 1 million people with this seminal book series. Above all, you will get a kick out of Dr. Chapman’s laid back style that oozes with experience and love.
Bill Halamandaris, co founder of Heart of America- Each of us holds the answers to others' prayers
Albrecht Durer, generally regarded as the greatest artist of the German Renaissance, was one of l8 children born to a goldsmith in a tiny village near Nuremberg. As a boy, Durer worked at every job he could find to help put food on the table, while dreaming of becoming an artist.
Finally, his dreams began to come true when he was sent to work for a skilled artisan in Nuremberg. There he met and became friends with another man who shared the same dream. The two men moved in together, promising to support each other until they became established.
When this proved more difficult than they anticipated, Durer’s friend offered to postpone his career and find work to provide food and shelter until Durer could generate enough income from the sale of his paintings and engravings to support them both. And so, while Durer continued refining his talents, his friend put aside his own aspirations and sought whatever work he could find.
Durer’s friend scrubbed floors, washed dishes, and served in a nearby restaurant until the day came when Durer brought home enough money from the sale of a wood carving to support them both for some time. Only then did Durer’s friend return to his art, but by this time his hands had lost their touch and his fingers could hardly hold a paintbrush.
Not long thereafter, Durer returned to the apartment the two men shared to find his friend kneeling in prayer, his hands folded reverently. Struck by the beauty of his friends hands, scarred and marked as they were by his labor of love, Durer was inspired to create what many consider his masterpiece – The Praying Hands – a tribute to his friend’s sacrifice.
In some way and in similar fashion, each of us has benefited from the sacrifices others have made on our behalf. Each of us is indebted to others. Each of us is called to respond.
“Whatever there is of God and goodness in the universe, it must work itself out and express itself through us,” Einstein said. “We cannot stand aside and let God do it.”
We are God’s hands. Each of us holds the answer to someone’s prayers.
Stewart Emery- Father of the modern day human potential movement riffs on many topics including "why mastery is the key to living your best life.
Known as the Father of the modern Human Potential Movement, Stewart Emery created one of the most successful ad campaign in the history with MasterCard “priceless”. Stewart shares this exclusive interview on the true meaning of success with additional commentary of fatherless homes in America. Co author of Who’s in Your Room?, Stewart introduces us to the concept of your life being like a room- a room where anyone who enters affects your life…forever. In conclusion, shape your life by taking control of your room. Simply put, live your life by your design!
This show is sponsored by JobReady. Their mission: reach 1 million job seekers who want to re-skill. JobReady, in partnership with the philanthropic National Education Foundation, has aggregated on one platform some of the best skills-based online training in the world–SkillSoft, 180 Skills, and Harvard Managementor–and offers them at disruptively low prices to ma them affordable for those seeking to reskill. If you want to find out more, contact Tim at [email protected].
Success Made to Last is also presented by www.Gracefully-Yours.com greeting cards. We use these cards to celebrate birthdays and to encourage others to practice greatness. Visit www.gracefully-yours.com today.
This show is also presented by MilamberUSA, an advisory and venture development firm. The three partners–located in Boston, Austin, and San Francisco–have excelled in many of the functional domain on the “sell side” of the higher education and workforce ecosystems. We help companies grow. If you want to chat, reach out to Tim at [email protected]
Kevin Wilhelm, author of How to Talk to the Other Side; leads the Seattle Sonics
Kevin Wilhelm author of How to Talk to the Other Side, was the youngest general manager of a professional sports team in America. Enjoy this interview by Tim Moore as Kevin shares how he used small town core values along with his business education to create a successful journey of doing good and making money. Don’t miss this ear-opening conversation.
Homer Hickam- best selling author of Rocket Boys that turned into feature film October Skies.
Homer Hickam debuts Carrying Albert Home, a true story about Buddy Epsen and his Homer’s mom. What about the encounter with Ernest Hemingway and John Steinbeck? Moreover, Homer is behind a national movement to propel family legends into new books and movies.
This show is presented by www.Gracefully-Yours.com greeting cards. We use these cards to celebrate birthdays and to encourage others to practice greatness.
Scott Miller, EVP of Thought Leadership at FranklinCovey savors best versions.
Scott Miller, Executive Vice President of Thought Leadership of FranklinCovey, is a noted author, speaker, and podcaster. Above all, Scott is a guru for high performance people. Moreover, his book Everyone Deserves a Great Manager is one of his best selling books that can personally help you. With a podcast following of 6 million people, our shared audiences want to know more about best version self. Tim Moore, co-host of Success Made to Last, pointed out the abundance mentality that is pervasive with interviews done with Shaun Covey. Take in the story of Scott’s integral role that built Celebration Florida, a subsidiary of Disney. A single Catholic boy moved to Utah to work for Covey. Scott became leader of the sales organization and then climbed to the company’s CMO. How did it happen? A lot of hard work and nine pivotal leader helped shaped Scott’s best version. Mentors marshaled him along the way. Leaders believed in him more than he believed in himself. Why was 7 Habits the most cogent self help book? It’s an intellectual journey. Dr. Covey took principles that govern human behavior. He built it over 40 years. Dr. Covey critiqued what endured over time. He popularized a lot of things, but didn’t invent anything. In conclusion, Stephen Covey wasn’t consumed by the fame or fortune. His legacy was his family.
New York Times best selling author Thomas Moore of Caring for the Soul and Ageless Soul shares secrets to becoming your best version.
New York Times best selling author Thomas Moore of Caring for the Soul and Ageless Soul shares secrets to becoming your best version. Combining psychology with spirituality, this is the ultimate therapist. Hear his secret to finding your GOLDEN VERSION.
Host Rick Tocquigny is a bit “gushy,” but rightly so. At the heart of Thomas is an Irish storyteller. Like great Irishmen that stand up and tell extraordinary stories, Thomas was schooled by Thomas McGreevy, former director of Ireland’s National Gallery of Art. McGreevy was 70 and Moore was 19. Now the tables are turned.
Hear Thomas Moore explain that “alchemy is the process of becoming the person you are equipped to be. Listen to his explanation on “life unfolds in multiple phases.”
He encourages you, the listener, to become more complex and then, in new ways, engage the world that needs your complexity.
Mike Berenstain- keeper of the Berenstain Bears, son of Stan and Jan, shares exclusive tribute to Mom and Dad.
Mike Berenstain is the son of Stan and Jan Berenstain. Mike now oversees the Berenstain Bears enchanting bears writing and designing all books. Catch the inside story on how the bears started. Mr. Berenstain talks about Mama and Papa bear and how they teach life lessons. However, one of the most charming parts of this interview is when Mike talks with “huggable words” and makes every illustration engaging. For instance, you will discover why Mike puts X’s for eyes on characters that are dead or injured.
Don’t miss Mike’s advice to young cartoonists seeking success.
This show is presented by www.Gracefully-Yours.com greeting cards. We use these cards to celebrate birthdays and to encourage others to practice greatness. Their mentoring cards #145 are the best we have ever seen. The recipients of the cards love the sentiment and appreciate the personal touch.
Carol Carter- author of over 20 books focused on student success. Carol is a serial entrepreneur dedicated to helping first generation college students. Hear her enlightening story on overcoming limitations with potent agency.
Carol Carter is one of the most influential authors of our day. The sixth edition of Keys to Effective Learning text helps students build habits for success and develop the thinking, self-management, and study skills they need to succeed academically. This edition is streamlined to focus more on essential study skills, with greater coverage of memory, studying, reading, and test-taking. It retains its acclaimed simple-to-use Critical and Creative Thinking coverage, and adds relevance by addressing the two greatest barriers to staying in school–time and money management.
This show is sponsored by JobReady. Their mission: reach 1 million job seekers who want to reskill. JobReady, in partnership with the philanthropic National Education Foundation, has aggregated on one platform some of the best skills-based online training in the world–SkillSoft, 180 Skills, and Harvard Managementor–and offers them at disruptively low prices to ma them affordable for those seeking to reskill. If you want to find out more, contact Tim at [email protected]
This show is also presented by MilamberUSA, an advisory and venture development firm. The three partners–located in Boston, Austin, and San Francisco–have excelled in many of the functional domain on the “sell side” of the higher ed and workforce ecosystems. We help companies grow. If you want to chat, reach out to Tim at [email protected].
Lisa Bovee- When your son is killed, what do you do? Listen to Lisa make it the "best worst thing" you can. Hear the journey and indomitable spirit in GUIDED BY GRIEF.
Lisa Bovee lost her son in a tragic accident. Lisa is changing the conversation about grief and loss, from private, ugly & uncomfortable to OPEN, NORMAL & SUPPORTIVE.
This show is presented by www.Gracefully-Yours.com greeting cards. We use these cards to celebrate birthdays and to encourage others to practice greatness. Their mentoring cards #145 are the best we have ever seen. The recipients of the cards love the sentiment and appreciate the personal touch.
Coach Tom Osborne- Football coach extraordinaire, three time national champion.
Tom Osborne is a noted author, former U.S. Congressman and NCAA Football Coach of the 1990’s. He shares his about core values on building the best version of men from his famed University of Nebraska program.
This show is presented by www.Gracefully-Yours.com greeting cards. We use these cards to celebrate birthdays and to encourage others to practice greatness. Their mentoring cards #145 are the best we have ever seen. The recipients of the cards love the sentiment and appreciate the personal touch.
Pat Williams- brilliant owner of Orlando Magic and mentor to millions, shares valuable secrets from his ultimate mentor John Wooden.
Pat Williams, Basketball Hall of Fame member, reveals inside stories in his latest book on his mentor- John Wooden- in Forgotten Teams, Stories from Summer Basketball Camps. Boys became men of greatness!
This show is presented by www.Gracefully-Yours.com greeting cards. We use these cards to celebrate birthdays and to encourage others to practice greatness. Their mentoring cards #145 are the best we have ever seen. The recipients of the cards love the sentiment and appreciate the personal touch.
Seth Godin- one of our favorite authors reveals the secrets behind Linchpin. Be remark-able!
Seth Godin is a multiple New York Times best selling author. On this show, Seth enlightens us with tales of the lizard brain, and a discussion of RE-MARKABLE products and services. Hear his story of the abundance minded Thomas Hawk, sharing over one million photos online.
This show is presented by www.Gracefully-Yours.com greeting cards. We use these cards to celebrate birthdays and to encourage others to practice greatness. Their mentoring cards #145 are the best we have ever seen. The recipients of the cards love the sentiment and appreciate the personal touch.
Edward Jones was most helpful during the recent market fluctuations with the corona virus. Visit [email protected] to get pinpoint financial advice for your future.
Oliver North- pays tribute to soldiers from Iran and Afghanistan. Never forget the men and women who sacrifice to defend the freedom you enjoy.
Colonel Oliver North provides beautiful stories on American’s heroes from our most recent conflicts. Never forget the men and women who make sacrifices to defend our freedom.
CEO’s and Leaders
Don Fox, CEO of Firehouse Subs is our BEST VERSION restaurant leader
We talked with Don Fox, CEO of Firehouse Subs. While Don was classically trained to play trumpet, he got into the restaurant industry at a young age and it stuck! He spent 23 years at Burger King including six years in research and development. He moved to Firehouse Subs in 2003 as Director of Franchising. Now Chief Executive Officer since 2009, he has scaled to 1000 locations. Firehouse is all about core values, leaning into their origin story from two brothers deeply rooted in their local fire department.
The founders are still personally involved in the culinary side of Firehouse Subs. All employees practice the Golden Rule and share a healthy fear that NO customers will show up. The solution: treat customers with genuine hospitality so they become loyal patrons. Set high standards and continually learn every day. What an interesting way to channel a phobia into becoming a best version restaurant.
Facebook's Will Platt Higgins Vice President Global Clients Government Affairs and Advocacy gives small business success tips through brilliant process
Over 90 million businesses can hear very specific marketing advice from Facebook’s Will Platt Higgins, VP of Global Clients, Government Affairs and Advocacy. In this turbulent time, staying close to the consumer journey is increasingly difficult. He suggest adapting faster, iterating and pouring gasoline on activities that are keeping your customers coming back. Hear the complete interview for golden nuggets of advice.
Bracken Darrell, CEO of Logitech, leader in home office solutions
Logitech is one of Success Made to Last top companies, always seeking to design products with a human touch. Consider their wide variety of products built for home offices and for learning at home. Enjoy this interview with their CEO, Bracken Darrell. He leads by listening and observing first.
Dena Tripp, Co Founder of Nothing Bundt Cakes is a Best Version leader and visionary
To find the perfect recipe, you first need the perfect ingredients. And that’s what our founders Dena Tripp and Debbie Shwetz were for each other. In 1997, they joined forces, or better yet kitchens, to make cakes for their friends and family. The cakes they made were delicious, unlike anything anyone had tasted. As a result, their friends and family asked them to entertain more and more.
They quickly realized this side project of theirs could be something more; there was a gap in the world for delicious cakes, readily available, that didn’t compromise on their ingredients. Real eggs, butter and cream cheese; nothing was too good to achieve perfection.
Flash forward and the Nothing Bundt Cakes brand has grown nationwide. Built on Dena and Debbie’s vision, each bakery still has the warmth and nostalgia of its home-kitchen roots, but we also take a modern approach for the world today. So whether you’re enjoying a Bundt Cake, Bundtlet, or Bundtinis®, one thing is certain – perfection is all we offer.
Nothing Bundt Cakes provides solutions for every celebration imaginable. From the bite-sized, Bundtinis®, to the personal-sized Bundtlet, and larger cakes, the cakes satisfy everything from a mid-week sweet tooth, to a large catered event. The signature cream cheese frosting adorns each cake with the signature petal design and the hand-crafted decorations personalize cakes for any occasion. Chocolate Chocolate Chip, the most popular flavor, will leave you wanting more; Red Velvet has surprise chocolate chips scattered throughout and the White Chocolate Raspberry just melts in your mouth.
Nothing Bundt Cakes delivers, caters weddings and corporate events. Visit one of the bakeries near you. Find us online at www.nothingbundtcakes.com to see how we can bring you joy today!
Restoration 1 CEO Gary Findley has scaled two brands to 9500 locations globally
Gary Findley, CEO of Restoration 1 and Bluefrog Plumbing is one a kind franchise leader having scaled two separate brands to nearly 10,000 locations around the world. Hear about his process and how he changed thousands of life.
Former Vice Chair of Omnicom, Tim Love, shares exclusive interview on identifying true mission and vision of P&G- Improving Lives- Changing Lives
It’s a new millennial and P&G is taking a hard look at their “old economy” company. Tim Love of Omnicom was asked to look at the company mission, vision and statement. With long term experience with Procter brand management, Tim’s team considered how their products actually improve lives and change lives.
IS THIS RE-POSITION WHAT YOUR OWN COMPANY SHOULD GO THROUGH? Contact [email protected] to connect with a team of brand strategists.
Pat Miller Co-Founder of Vera Bradley shares origin story and vision for success!
Pat Miller is the co-founder of the very popular gift company Vera Bradley. Going back to Ft. Wayne, Indiana, Pat was on the welcoming committee and showed her hospitality to a new neighbor Barbara.
Barb asked, do you know how to hang wall paper? That started the Pat-Barbara friendship that led to the formation of the Vera Bradley company.
Hear about the origin of this fantastic company. It all started with a friendship…Barbara Bradley Baekgaard and Patricia R. Miller came upon a colorful idea while traveling together in 1982. Observing a lack of feminine luggage, they decided to create a company (named after Barbara’s mother) to design a line of quilted-cotton luggage, handbags, and accessories – and the rest is history! Vera Bradley has grown into an internationally-recognized lifestyle brand providing a myriad of beautiful solutions to its customers. Vera Bradley is a leading designer of women’s handbags, luggage and travel items, fashion and home accessories, and unique gifts. The brand’s innovative designs, iconic patterns, and brilliant colors inspire and connect women unlike any other brand in the global marketplace.
Ed Rigaud, former P&G Exec has a higher purpose with Legacy Acquisition
Ed Rigaud wants his Legacy Acquisitions company to help young African Americans. Joining P&G in 1965, he was rejected along the way in Louisiana, got married, he started Procter on his wedding date. He just completed a $300 million IPO. Hear his story on why core values guide his career and long term vision to help others.
Bob Herbold, former leader of Microsoft, talks about gutsy leadership!
Bob Herbold, former Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Microsoft and P&G Senior Vice President of Marketing, talks about gutsy leadership. Bob riffs about key decision making that can help individuals increase capabilities and solve tougher problems.
This discussion is quite useful for non profit and for profit leaders.
Hear the kind of characteristics required to lead today in 2020 and beyond.
Make sure and read Bob’s leadership blog at www.bobherbold.com. Buy his latest book- What’s Holding You Back?
Dina Dwyer Owens, pioneer in franchising and modern day leadership
Meet Dina Dwyer Owens, leader, entrepreneur, woman of faith, designer of company culture. Enjoy this intimate conversation and learn about Neighborly Franchises, Dina’s great book Live Rich …all led by Core Values. Visit www.neighborlyfranchises.com To read more about Dina, visit www.dinadwyerowens.com.
Cynthia Round former United Way exec shares leadership tips to non profits
This rare conversation with a Fortune 50 executive turned leader of United Way, morphed into brand consultant for the Metropolitan Museum of Art nets one beautiful interview with the incomparable Cynthia Round. She’s informative and illuminating!
Eileen Huntington, pioneer and entrepreneur that changed the lives of K-12
Success Made to Last honors legendary teacher and entrepreneur Eileen Huntington, co-founder of Huntington Learning Centers.
As a public school teacher, Eileen observed too many students that were not getting the needed focus on basic learning skills. Together with her husband Ray, they created a franchise of learning centers focused on K-12 students. Visit www.huntingtonfranchise.com to learn more.
Former CEO of Tractor Supply Greg Sandfort talks about the love for customers
As America hits our re-start button, we say thanks to great retailers like Tractor Supply that are working for us…the customer. Well done Tractor Supply Associates. Listen to former CEO Greg Sandfort talk about the core values that Tractor Supply exhibits daily.
Jay Walker- legendary CEO of Priceline and Upside
legendary CEO of Priceline and now Upside, provides a futuristic look into corporate America with surprising trends.
This show is presented by www.Gracefully-Yours.com greeting cards. We use these cards to celebrate birthdays and to encourage others to practice greatness. Their mentoring cards #145 are the best we have ever seen. The recipients of the cards love the sentiment and appreciate the personal touch.
Edward Jones was most helpful during the recent market fluctuations with the corona virus. Visit [email protected] to get pinpoint financial advice for your future.
Frank Blake- one of America's most admired CEO's from Home Depot
Frank Blake is the former CEO of Home Depot, and member of Board of Directors for P&G and Delta Airlines shares his inside mentoring stories on the late Jack Welch along with Presidents Reagan and George H.W. Bush. All three mentors created the best version of Frank Blake.
This show is presented by www.Gracefully-Yours.com greeting cards. We use these cards to celebrate birthdays and to encourage others to practice greatness. Their mentoring cards #145 are the best we have ever seen. The recipients of the cards love the sentiment and appreciate the personal touch.
Edward Jones was most helpful during the recent market fluctuations with the corona virus. Visit [email protected] to get pinpoint financial advice for your future.
Paul Fox, former VP of Strategic Initiatives with P&G shares secret tips to success
Paul Fox, former VP of Strategic Initiatives for P&G, shares insight on communications with Fortune 50 company.
Paul is a now a visiting professor to Oxford. Active in the P&G Alumni Network, he is now teaching others the fine art and science of leading communications. Learn from his storytelling skills. Award winning and deeply experienced communications and crisis management expert across global markets, hear Paul’s explanation on how to deliver transformative change and measurable results.
Steve Hockett- wildly successful entrepreneur and CEO of Great Clips
Steve Hockett has been in franchising for 30 years, climbing his way up the ladder to the top rung at Great Clips. Listen to his story about his favorite mentor, Rhoda, and what she has meant to him. Get his insight on digital strategy as it plays out at Great Clips.
This show is sponsored by JobReady. Their mission: reach 1 million job seekers who want to reskill. JobReady, in partnership with the philanthropic National Education Foundation, has aggregated on one platform some of the best skills-based online training in the world–SkillSoft, 180 Skills, and Harvard Managementor–and offers them at disruptively low prices to ma them affordable for those seeking to reskill. If you want to find out more, contact Tim at [email protected].
Ed Artzt- former CEO of P&G shares timeless leadership tips on company culture.
Ed Artzt worked at P&G for over 45 years leading the company as CEO and Chairman of the Board for the last 10+ years. His principal centered, core values strategy paid off. Hear the insider story!
This show is also presented by MilamberUSA, an advisory and venture development firm. The three partners–located in Boston, Austin, and San Francisco–have excelled in many of the functional domain on the “sell side” of the higher ed and workforce ecosystems. We help companies grow. If you want to chat, reach out to Tim at [email protected].
Kevin Roberts, former CEO of Saatchi & Saatchi provides surprising tips to C-suite and entrepreneurs through 64 Shots.
Kevin Roberts talks about his career of extreme ownership, taking risks, and elusiveness of today’s consumer. Hear his predictions for the future especially about unfiltered learning.
This show is presented by www.Gracefully-Yours.com greeting cards. We use these cards to celebrate birthdays and to encourage others to practice greatness. Their mentoring cards #145 are the best we have ever seen. The recipients of the cards love the sentiment and appreciate the personal touch.
Brad Moore reveals insider view on leading Hallmark Hall of Fame films.
Brad Moore started at P&G working on the Folgers brand and moved to Hallmark where he was a chief storyteller and leader over Gold Crown Entertainment. Listen to the importance of telling a great story, regardless of your career.
This show is presented by www.Gracefully-Yours.com greeting cards. We use these cards to celebrate birthdays and to encourage others to practice greatness. Their mentoring cards #145 are the best we have ever seen. The recipients of the cards love the sentiment and appreciate the personal touch.
Kip Tindell tells you how The Container Store originated
Kip Tindell, college roommate of John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods, spent many dreamy days at The University of Texas. Hear about Kip’s career journey and the importance of mentors in his life.
This show is sponsored by JobReady. Their mission: reach 1 million job seekers who want to reskill. JobReady, in partnership with the philanthropic National Education Foundation, has aggregated on one platform some of the best skills-based online training in the world–SkillSoft, 180 Skills, and Harvard Managementor–and offers them at disruptively low prices to ma them affordable for those seeking to reskill. If you want to find out more, contact Tim at [email protected].
Designers & Entrepreneurs
Doug Moore of Toyota talks about designing careers by blending avocation with vocation
Ever wonder why certain thrive at work because they have found the perfect equilibrium of happiness and mental challenge? Enjoy this show with Doug Moore of Toyota as we discuss the difference of avocation and vocation. Perhaps you can design your next job around what makes you the happiest.
JP Kuehlwein, author of Rethinking Prestige Branding, talks about ueber products that go beyond price.
UEBER means above and beyond. UEBER people are super people, able to bring humanity forward. JP Kuehlwein talks about prestigious, ueber brands. These are brands that elevate themselves. If you bought a motor oil, it’s consider a commodity…except Pennzoil. But if you talk about clothing, you may lean to Patagonia because you feel good about donating to a social good. While the mantra of mass marketing is the consumer is always boss, in prestigious branding the truth is somewhere in the middle of great design, more than just price, and more than just performance.
Lolita Healy started her own gift company that is centered on design and creativity
Ever wondered about those creative martini glasses that are hand painted and so imaginative? Hear the origin story from Lolita Healy, founder of Healy Design. She is smart, tough, creative and listens to her customers…all in the recipe for success made to last. Enjoy this inspiring leader!
Vera Bradley Co-Founder Pat Miller talks about design and company beginnings
Vera Bradley is a leading handbag and luggage design centered company started in Ft. Wayne, Indiana by Pat Miller and Barbara Bradley Baekgaard, daughter of Vera Bradley. Hear how they got rolling into 1982. Visit www.verabradley.com for more information and to see all their new designs.
Moray Callum, VP of Design for Ford Company. Good design brings pleasure to people.
Moray Callum, Vice President of Design at Ford Motor Company, looks at product considering the aspirational self of the user. He is a Scottish automobile designer whose brother was the Design Director for Jaguar for twenty years.
Moray has a unique balance of left brain and right brain.
Inspired by pain points of customers, his team works to make cars more user friendly.
Mother nature happens to influence design at Ford. Beauty is in nature.
Moray talks about the full autonomous car and the challenges.
Ken Sunshine, Space Aeronautics Entrepreneur; raised $2 billion in capital
Ken Sunshine is our first entrepreneur from the Aerospace Engineering space to share the inside story on startups within this domain. Now building a constellation of satellites, Ken summarizes his success by “breaking out of the normal mold” in the space sector, building trust with venture capitalists. He helped build Orbital that offered huge economic rewards. As a one time aspiring astronaut, he has now touched a lot of different projects, but consistently stayed in the space sector. Moreover, Ken has stayed true to his passion and tenaciously pursued his goals.
Bracken Darrell, CEO of Logitech and Brian Baker of Rebel V 2 Design riff on human centered design..
This show is a part of our Designer series. Bracken Darrell is interviewed by Brian Baker of Rebel V 2 Design company, guru of human centered design.
Bracken talks about Braun, a design centric company that was eventually acquired by P&G. Bryan was taught human design by Sony and ask Bracken about Spotlight Remote. Logitech is always trying to make the experience better. What can they do to solve problems? The designers spent time making the instrument intuitive with only three buttons.
Bracken also talks about new acquisitions and how they onboard the design team. With Blue, there is a dedicated team to work with them to help build their portfolio. Bracken talks about setting the tone by being involved with the users and design. Tim Cook of Apple is deeply involved.
Learn about the three stages of designs. 1. Decorating 2. Putting the user at the center, like Spotlight Remote…unlocking the power of innovation. 3. Bring design in house, constantly redesigning everything. Example…how board meetings are conducted. How do you re-design offices?
Steve Sasoon- original inventor of digital camera gives us snapshot of how Kodak missed the opportunity of the century. This is a Success Made to Last exclusive on "how to cannibalize your own company."
Steve Sasoon was working on a special assignment at Eastman Kodak in 1974 that was the original digital camera! Hear about the reaction that Steve received from his colleagues at Kodak. Kodak was at the zero moment of truth for the camera industry. Who was the idea killer???
Mary Engelbreit- great stories from one of America's most beloved artists.
Mary Engelbreit talks about her formative years as child and the storytellers in her life that influenced her artistic talent.
This show is presented by www.gracefully-yours.com greeting cards. We use these cards to celebrate birthdays and to encourage others to practice greatness. Their mentoring cards #145 are the best we have ever seen. The recipients of the cards love the sentiment and appreciate the personal touch.
John Lynn, CEO of Cela- Accelerator Guru for Startups
John Lynn, is the Co-Founder of Cela. With experience from Google, Bertelsmann, Verizon, Penguin-Random House, IBM,SAP, Pace and other top brands across the world. @cela works with established companies, startups and mentors to create a culture of exploration, access, impact, and empowerment.
Tia Mowry talks about health, success, and priorities in her robust career.
Tia Mowry is an actress. Her full name is Tia Dashon Mowry. She is famous for her teen role as Tia Landry in the sitcom Sister, Sister. She had even appeared as medical student Melanie Barnett in the comedy-drama series The Game and the television movie Twitches and its sequel Twitches Too. She now stars in the #1 food show on Scripps Network.
Today, Tia is on with our Astra Zeneca physician to talk about the importance of getting your flu shot in 2020…all in the midst of the pandemic.
Corbin Bernson of USA's Psyche and LA Law talks about his book Rust and universal laws of life.
Corbin Bernson is larger than life. He expounds on love, life, and his book Rust. Listen to the stories of his family, and the lessons he has taught as a Dad. Disciplined with passion, never about hate, it’s about true unconditional love for his children. To Corbin, he wants to provide the proper tools for life.
Cameron Mathison from Entertainment Tonight, All My Children and Carpenter's Miracle
Kym Karath, star of The Sound of Music, Spencer's Mountain, and Good Neighbor Sam
Kym Karath, starred at age three in Spencer’s Mountain with Henry Fonda. She went on to play Gretta Von Trapp in The Sound of Music, and then was featured with Jack Lemmon in Good Neighbor Sam.
The biggest lesson learned is GET AN EDUCATION. You may be a child actor, but you must get a college education. Careers ebb and flow.
Hear about Kym’s son who is autistic and the autism organization that she supports called The Aurelia Foundation.
Hollywood Sisters Angela and Veronica Cartwright talk about acting, The Birds and Lost in Space!
There’s never been two acting sisters like Angela and Veronica Cartwright. Within one family existed two girls that accomplished so much. Consider stars of The Sound of Music, The Birds, Spencer’s Mountain, The Children’s Hour, Make Room for Daddy, The Daniel Boone Show, Lost in Space and so many more. Hear about growing up as sisters and get the inside scoop on how to succeed without killing your own sibling.
Red Skelton, America's Favorite Clown, made his life's work to make people laugh
Enjoy this tribute show to Red Skelton, one of the most popular television and radio stars of all time from his agent Tom Kalyn. The Red Skelton Hour was one of America’s favorite 60 minutes. Hear about Red’s start in vaudeville and his big break from Ed Wynne…remember him from Mary Poppins in the scene I LOVE TO LAUGH.
This exclusive interview from Success Made to Last is a take back to more innocent days when we laughed and loved together.
Derek Hough, World of Dance Judge, talks about the Future of Good!
The secret to living is truly giving. Derek Hough is his absolutely best version helping to lead The Future in Good. Beyond being one of three judges on World of Dance, Derek talks about children who are making a difference. Focused on young humanitarians, your children can become inspired to change lives.
Derek talks about his mentors, especially his Dad who instilled service as a core value. For his birthday, they bought a bunch of toys to give to Children’s Hospital. The emotional response of giving and receiving are identical.
John Tesh joins us for our 1000th show sharing Intelligence for Life.
John Tesh talks about the origin of K-tesh radio and how the Intelligence for Life approach is changing the way people live and act. John also talks about his wife Connie, their foundation and the reason why he plays piano like it’s a percussion instrument!
This show is presented by www.Gracefully-Yours.com greeting cards. We use these cards to celebrate birthdays and to encourage others to practice greatness. Their mentoring cards #145 are the best we have ever seen. The recipients of the cards love the sentiment and appreciate the personal touch.
Grammy Winner and TV Host Babbie Mason talks about the art of songwriting
Babbie Mason is a phenomenal talent, songwriter, television host, woman of faith, wife, mother and great friend. Hear her inside story on writing inspirational songs and motivating others to greatness. Visit www.babbie.com for more information. With her new book Fully Qualified, Babbie states that you can release the untapped potential that is already inside you. You can find the key to your distinct purpose and uniqueness. You can cultivate the gifts and talents you already possess. And you can realize success regardless of age.
Tommy Roe's opening band was The Beatles. Hear the back story on this legendary songwriter.
Our Legends Show today features the one and only Tommy Roe. The year was 1963. Tommy Roe was touring England with his #1 hit Sheila. Four shaggy haired lads from Liverpool called The Beatles were his opening band. That following February, they came to America to be on the Ed Sullivan Show and Tommy Roe opened for them at an auditorium in Washington D.C. Tommy went on to sing and write Dizzy, Oh Sweet Pea, Everybody and so many other #1 hits. Today, Tommy continues life, but his new normal includes caring for his wife who suffers from Alzheimers. Hear the complete story and enjoy reliving the past.
Jon Provost, the star of Lassie, played Timmy Martin celebrates his 70th birthday!
Success Made to Last celebrates the 70th birthday of Jon Provost today who played Timmy Martin on Lassie. Jon also starred with some of the greatest actors of all time including Jane Wyman, Sterling Hayden, William Holden, Natalie Wood, Robert Redford and actually got top billing over Clint Eastwood in the first movie made in Japan after World War II.
The check shirt and jeans that Jon wore for seven years on Lassie hangs in the Smithsonian next to Archie Bunker’s chair. The world continues to watch Jon every week on Lassie in over 50 countries.
This show is sponsored www.gracefully-yours.com, America’s favorite birthday cards. Visit gracefully-yours.com today and see all of their Church Kitchen Ladies cards.
Joe Camp, Creator of Benji movies, debuts new book God Only Knows
Joe Camp, Creator of Benji movies, debuts new book God Only Knows. Joe developed the singular most beloved and popular movie about a dog titled Benji. Despite all the obstacles of the industry, he got the movie produced and distributed. Along the way, he met mentors like Danny Arnold (That Girl) who taught him story structure and how to present a narrative that would engage audiences. Hear this exclusive interview only on Success Made to Last with host Rick Tocquigny. This show is presented by Gracefully-Yours.com, America’s favorite encouragement greeting cards featuring Church Kitchen Ladies.
Vicki Lawrence talks about her successful career
Multi-talented Vicki Lawrence, is an Emmy awarded actress, comedian and singer known for her many characters she originated on CBS’s The Carol Burnett Show where she appeared from 1967 to 1978. One such character is Thelma Harper/Mama that can still be viewed on Time-Life DVD’s.
Vicki was diagnosed with chronic idiopathic urticaria (CIU) in 2011. On this show, she talks with her doctor about this chronic ailment.
In 1974 Vicki married the head of CBS make up, Al Schultz, her best friend and professional partner. Al and Vicki have two grown children, Courtney and Garrett.
On stage, Vicki has appeared in Hello Dolly, Carousel, Chapter Two, Annie Get Your Gun and Nunsense. She was sung the #1 hit song The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia.
Ed Asner- TV's most awarded actor, shares lessons from UP.
Ed Asner gives an actor’s perspective on Pixar’s UP. Hear why Karl and Ellie always longed for Paradise Falls. Ed talks about why UP is a very special movie filled with important life lessons about being your best version.
Brittany Zeinstra, featured actress in Harry Potter and The Cursed Child and formerly of The Prom!
Broadway actress Brittany Zeinstra is now performing in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Previously starring in The Prom, Brittany career has been spectacular! Hear this exclusive interview and her advice to young actors entering the industry.
Deana Martin- what's it like to be mentored by Frank Sinatra?
Deana Martin, daughter of Dean Martin, is a tour de force singer. She talks about her famous mentors including Ella Fitzgerald and “Uncle” Frank Sinatra. Listen to an average day at the Martin household usually including visits from Rosemary Clooney. Make sure and buy her newest CD Swing Street.
Ozzie and Sharon's very own Jack Osbourne shares lessons on show biz and MS
Jack Osbourne is the real deal. Hear this fascinating, insightful interview with the son of Sharon and Ozzie Osbourne. What’s it like to work with his Dad on a travel show. How’s married life and most importantly, how in the world is Jack battling MS? You MUST read his book, You Don’t Know Jack About MS!
Ralph Carmichael, legendary orchestra leader for I Love Lucy conducts a memorable podcast.
Enjoy this amazing podcast with 85 year young Ralph Carmichael, orchestra leader over The I Love Lucy show and Red Skelton Hour. Hear his secret to collaborating for success. His advice on writing music lyrics is priceless.
Roma Downey, star of Touched by an Angel and The Bible, talks about her best version by prioritizing key projects that make the biggest impact.
Roma Downey, best known for her role as Monica the angel on Touched by an Angel, shares “best version” examples especially with her collaboration with husband Mark Burnett (Survivor). Today, she uses her celebrity to work on projects of the heart.
This show is presented by www.Gracefully-Yours.com greeting cards. We use these cards to celebrate birthdays and to encourage others to practice greatness. Their mentoring cards #145 are the best we have ever seen. The recipients of the cards love the sentiment and appreciate the personal touch.
Victoria Jackson, funny comedian from SNL talks about overcoming breast cancer.
Victoria Jackson, known for her on stage acrobatics and comedic timing on SNL, talks intimately about overcoming stage four cancer. This is a story of faith and fortitude.
This show is presented by www.Gracefully-Yours.com greeting cards. We use these cards to celebrate birthdays and to encourage others to practice greatness. Their mentoring cards #145 are the best we have ever seen. The recipients of the cards love the sentiment and appreciate the personal touch.
Bill Berloni- Tony award winning animal trainer for Annie.
Bill Berloni was denounced as an actor and tasked with finding a dog to play Sandy in the pre-broadway production of a nascent play titled Little Orphan Annie. Hear the origin story of this Tony award winning animal trainer and his further exploits in Legally Blond.
Larry Matthews, starred as Ritchie on the Dick Van Dyke Show, provides tribute to Mary Tyler Moore...his mentor and show Mom.
Larry Matthews pays tribute to the late, great Mary Tyler Moore, his television Mom for five seasons on The Dick Van Dyke show. Listen to the stories of her strength, character and kindness.
Bill Mumy from Lost in Space gives incredible career advice.
Bill Mumy (Will Robinson on Lost in Space) is an accomplished actor from 400 different television episodes and a world class guitarist. Enjoy his career advice to young actors and his commentary on playing in musical groups for over thirty years. Bill also pays tribute to Jonathan Harris who played Dr. Smith on Lost in Space.
Justin Osmond goes from deaf to defining greatness!
Justin Osmond was the second son of Muriel and Merrill Osmond. Born with profound hearing loss, Justin went through 12 years of therapy. Despite 90% loss, he went on to master the violin, piano and drums. Truly finding his best version, enjoy this inspirational story of overcoming a handicap.
This show is presented by www.Gracefully-Yours.com greeting cards. We use these cards to celebrate birthdays and to encourage others to practice greatness. Their mentoring cards #145 are the best we have ever seen. The recipients of the cards love the sentiment and appreciate the personal touch.
Valerie Pettiford from HBO's True Blood reveals secret to success.
Valerie Pettiford podcast is one of the most popular of all time. She shares invaluable lessons from her Mom and Dad. Hear her stories about working with Desi and Luci Arnaz in a broadway played titled Bobaloo.
Duane Chase and Debbie Turner from The Sound of Music talk about film and life after the movie.
After The Sound of Music, Duane Chase (Fredrick) turned out to be a world class geologist with a Master’s degree from The University of Alabama AND Debbie Turner (Marta) became a sought after florist, decorating the White House at Christmas.
Pandora's Steve Keller, a true legend in the science of Sound and brand voice
Steve Keller is Sonic Strategy Director for Studio Resonate at Pandora (a subsidiary of SiriusXM, and the largest ad-supported audio entertainment streaming service in the U.S.). Prior to joining Pandora, Steve was the founder and CEO of iV, an audio consultancy based in Nashville that specialized in the strategy, content, research and management necessary for successful audio branding initiatives.
Steve is recognized as one of the leading experts in the field of sonic strategy and identity. With a head for data and a heart for sonic expression, he actively engages in collaborative research projects, exploring the power of sound to shape our perceptions and influence our behavior. Recent experiments include an examination of the relationship between sound and taste (conducted with Oxford’s Crossmodal Research Laboratory), an exploration into the existence of audio archetypes (conducted with Goldsmiths University London), demonstrating the effects of source bias on evaluations of music aesthetics and worth (conducted with Technische Universität Berlin), and how music, soundscapes and noise in healthcare environments affect patience outcomes and satisfaction (with Oxford’s Charles Spence). Steve is also a part of the think tank serving Chef Jozef Youssef’s London based Kitchen Theory, lending his sonic expertise to the development of gastrophysics experiences for brands and consumers alike.
An in-demand speaker, Steve is often found sharing his insights at conferences (MIDEM, Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, TEDx, Eurobest, Dubai Lynx, Transform Hong Kong, Transform London, Neuromarketing World Forum, Shopperbrain, Neurocamp, Forum Acusticum), professional and academic organizations (AMA, AAF, ESCOM, SMPC, ABA, ASA) and universities around the world.
In addition to a BA in Psychology with a focus on research, social psychology, and group dynamics, Steve has over 25 years of experience in the music industry as a producer, remixer, composer, independent label executive, music publisher and manager. He is the 2017 recipient of the iHeartMedia Scholarship for Leadership in Audio Innovation, and is currently completing an Executive MBA through the Berlin School of Creative Leadership, where his thesis is focusing on racialized listening, the existence of a “sonic color line,” and its impact on marketing and industry practices, particularly in the context of voice casting.
B.J. Thomas celebrates the 50th anniversary of Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head
B.J. (Billy Joe) Thomas is an American singer widely known for his hit songs of the 1960s and 1970s, which appeared on the pop, country, and Christian music charts, and included recordings of the Mark James song “Hooked on a Feeling” and the Burt Bacharach and Hal David song “Raindrops Keep Fallin’ on My Head”. Enjoy B.J.’s special tribute to his pal, the late, great Mac Davis.
Legendary Leader Bill Hallamandaris talks about his mentor Viktor Frankl
B.J. (Billy Joe) Thomas is an American singer widely known for his hit songs of the 1960s and 1970s, which appeared on the pop, country, and Christian music charts, and included recordings of the Mark James song “Hooked on a Feeling” and the Burt Bacharach and Hal David song “Raindrops Keep Fallin’ on My Head”. Enjoy B.J.’s special tribute to his pal, the late, great Mac Davis.
Sara Beth Vaughn has Legendary Courage and a story you MUST hear
Sara Beth Vaughn is our 2020 Best Version Woman of the Year. Sara is singularly one of the most courageous, positive people we have ever met. Put your personal pity party aside and listen to this remarkable woman from Indiana who has overcome more in her lifetime than anyone!Living with Cerebral Palsy since birth has provided Sara a personal opportunity to see and understand differences for what they truly are, ATTRIBUTES. This insight into life has value & we, as a society in general would be remiss if not to convey such value to others.
John Richards, world guru on scaling businesses talks about Starbucks and Four Seasons
Former P&G and McKinsey exec John Richards built and led teams that helped scale Starbucks from 300 to 3000 locations in the U.S. Now on the Board of Directors for Starbucks and Four Seasons Hotel, John shares his wisdom and insight on scaling business.
Legendary Songwriter Don McLean riffs about the origin of American Pie and Vincent
Guess the top five songs of the last 100 years and American Pie by legendary Don McLean ranks #5. Wow, that’s amazing, but so is Don. You will find this interview illuminating, entertaining and informative. We love Don for his originality and non-conformist attitude. Listen carefully to the origin story of Vincent. Don has never talked about his own mental state reflected in this song. This guy is raw, real and authentically a legend.
Legendary Ad Exec Keith Reinhard shares exclusive stories on storytelling and source of creativity
Success Made to Last honors legendary advertising executive Keith Reinhard, creator of ad campaign of the century by Ad Age for McDonald’s “You deserve a break today.” Hear Keith’s secret to becoming your best version. Listen to his past experiences and apply these incredible lessons to your own career.
What if you were given the challenge of writing 26 humorous radio commercials for State Farm Insurance? “Go to your typewriter and type until you laugh” was the advice given by Keith’s boss.
Hear about Harrison Ford’s dad, Christopher Ford and how he led Keith into Hollywood.
Looking for inflection points, Keith wrote the very first national ad campaign for McDonalds. For those of you that are into mergers and acquisitions, hear how Keith brought disparate cultures together.
Dr. Ken Blanchard, famed author, talks about 10 favorite mentors.
Few people have influenced the day-to-day management of people and companies more than Dr. Ken Blanchard. A prominent, sought-after author, speaker, and business consultant, Dr. Blanchard is respected for his lifetime of groundbreaking research and thought leadership that has influenced the day-to-day management and leadership of people and companies throughout the world.
This show is sponsored by JobReady. Their mission: reach 1 million job seekers who want to reskill. JobReady, in partnership with the philanthropic National Education Foundation, has aggregated on one platform some of the best skills-based online training in the world–SkillSoft, 180 Skills, and Harvard Managementor–and offers them at disruptively low prices to ma them affordable for those seeking to reskill. If you want to find out more, contact Tim at [email protected].
This show is also presented by MilamberUSA, an advisory and venture development firm. The three partners–located in Boston, Austin, and San Francisco–have excelled in many of the functional domain on the “sell side” of the higher ed and workforce ecosystems. We help companies grow. If you want to chat, reach out to Tim at [email protected].
Colonel Oliver North- exclusive interview with American hero, patriot, father and hero.
Colonel Oliver North provides beautiful stories on American’s heroes from our most recent conflicts. Never forget the men and women who make sacrifices to defend our freedom.
This show is presented by www.Gracefully-Yours.com greeting cards. We use these cards to celebrate birthdays and to encourage others to practice greatness. Their mentoring cards #145 are the best we have ever seen. The recipients of the cards love the sentiment and appreciate the personal touch.
Ed Asner- hear the exploits of 90 year old "Lou Grant"
Ed Asner gives an actor’s perspective on Pixar’s UP. Hear why Karl and Ellie always longed for Paradise Falls. Ed talks about why UP is a very special movie filled with important life lessons about being your best version.
Mike Berenstain returns to talk about the Bears' newest adventure.
Mike Berenstain speaks fondly about his parents Stan and Jan. Their life lessons continue to guide him today. Hear the importance of self reliance and tenacity. Mike also opines on the importance of whole families led by fathers. Enjoy our audience callers who ask “why does Papa Bear always wear bib overalls?” The most precious story shared is how Stan and Jan taught Mike to draw.
This show is presented by www.Gracefully-Yours.com greeting cards. We use these cards to celebrate birthdays and to encourage others to practice greatness. Their mentoring cards #145 are the best we have ever seen. The recipients of the cards love the sentiment and appreciate the personal touch.
Jane Hoover- former VP of Government Affairs for P&G shares exclusive stories on Nixon and Johnson..… and Robert Redford!
Jane Hoover relays the insider story on Brice Harlow, mentor of LBJ, Richard Nixon and four other presidents. Hear about “trust as a currency.” Enjoy the encounter of Jane with Robert Redford, who interviewed Jane to prepare for his role in All the President’s Men.
Coach Dru Joyce, legendary coach of LaBron James talks about his book Beyond Championships
Legendary Baseball Legend Fred Lynn, one of the greatest hitters of all time!
Who helped teenager LaBron James grow up to be a super star, man of God and community leader? You can point to his high school coach and mentor Coach Dru Joyce. Coach Dru was more concerned about raising his team in character and integrity versus victories.
Hear the inside story on this transformation and power from the sacred position of coaching.
Legendary Coach Dick Swetnam is honored for his Championship leadership
“You learn more about yourself when you lose”…however, Coach Dick Swetnam’s teams rarely lost, especially in 1974. His Sherman Texas Basquetbol team had the alchemy of champions. With leaders like Jim May, Harold Holland, Mark Mailes, John Doherty, Monte Pittman, Larry Atherton, Gary Simon, Richard Wright, Terry Polk, Ricky Sneed, Marcus Winder, Randy Cunningham, Alan Taylor, Dave McGahren, Mike McCommon, Coach Swetnam shaped these young men to be their best version.
Listen to the extraordinary tribute to this special coach. His advice is timeless. “Never validate yourself by how much you make. Validate yourself with character and integrity.” Here’s to you Coach Swetnam and your core values that continue to have ripple effects.
Pat Williams talks about famed coach John Wooden.
Pat Williams talks about famed coach John Wooden.
Tom Osborne shaped young men into outstanding fathers.
For Tom Osborne, there is a pattern of strong men in his life. Learn the profound differences that fathers make. Hear about Coach Osborne close mentoring relationship with John Wooden, perhaps the greatest coach to ever live. Be inspired by Tom’s favorite life lesson of all time.
This show is presented by www.Gracefully-Yours.com greeting cards. We use these cards to celebrate birthdays and to encourage others to practice greatness. Their mentoring cards #145 are the best we have ever seen. The recipients of the cards love the sentiment and appreciate the personal touch.
Disruptive Young Leaders
Mirella Vitale is Senior VP of Rockwool, global leader in stonewall material, adapting to the future.
Leading Rockwool through brand purpose is a part of the daily walk by Mirella Vitale. She is an extraordinary leader and team builder who considers her quest as releasing the natural power of stone to enrich modern living.
Brad Charron leveraged experience from Under Armour and Chobani into ALOHA FOODS
We picked Brad Charron as one of America’s top young leaders. With marketing experience from Under Armour and Chobani Yogurt, Brad took his skills to Aloha Foods, pioneer in plant based foods. Brad’s core values and street sense carry him forward on a daily basis.
Rex Kruzius of Asset Panda talks about an uber success story managing your valuable property.
Rex Kruzius of Asset Panda talks about an uber success story. What’s the story inside this extraordinary leader?
Rex is the Founder and CEO (Chief Panda) of Asset Panda, a revolutionary new system that automates and simplifies the job of tracking, managing and supporting fixed assets.
At his core Rexis an entrepreneur. His vision has resulted in tremendous growth and recognition for his companies. Rex’s prior successes include founding and operating companies such as Resulte Universal (sold to Spherion), Timberhorn (sold to Ettain Group), Virtual Village (sold to Jobs and Adverts), and LRK Partners.
William Barnes, CEO of Austin based Moving Capital
William Barnes, CEO of Austin based Moving Capital, provides an exclusive interview on 40 under 40. William was one of the first fifty leaders at Uber. William’s team opened and scaled the Los Angeles market for Uber. His leadership expanded to the entire West Coast operations. Now overseeing an angel investment syndicate, William advises the next generation “to take more risks, get inside interesting companies and gain industry experience that can be compounded. The market will find you more valuable.”
Jaspar Weir, President and Co-Founder of Austin based TaskUs
Enjoy the thought leadership of Jaspar Weir, co-founder and President of Austin based TaskUs. Hear about their ridiculously successful team. TaskUs is the secret behind the phenomenal scaling of some of the world’s most disruptive companies. TaskUs are digital masters, system architects, culture builders and startup & scale specialists.
Dave Knox- former P&G exec and WPP Ventures leaders shares secrets on leading and investing in startups.
Dave Knox, named one of the top 40 under leaders at P&G Alumni Network, talks about his book- Predicting the Turn. Learn how Dave plays poker, leads brands and people, and shapes company culture.
This show is sponsored by JobReady. Their mission: reach 1 million job seekers who want to reskill. JobReady, in partnership with the philanthropic National Education Foundation, has aggregated on one platform some of the best skills-based online training in the world–SkillSoft, 180 Skills, and Harvard Managementor–and offers them at disruptively low prices to ma them affordable for those seeking to reskill. If you want to find out more, contact Tim at [email protected].
This show is also presented by MilamberUSA, an advisory and venture development firm. The three partners–located in Boston, Austin, and San Francisco–have excelled in many of the functional domain on the “sell side” of the higher ed and workforce ecosystems. We help companies grow. If you want to chat, reach out to Tim at [email protected].
Jason Nazar brilliantly leads Comparably with an eye for excellence in corporate culture
Jason Nazar recalls his Dad coming from the school of hard knocks. Listen to the origin story on Doc Stock and the exit strategy to Intuit. Learn from his startup experience at Comparably and their mission statement concerning corporate culture.
This show is sponsored by JobReady. Their mission: reach 1 million job seekers who want to reskill. JobReady, in partnership with the philanthropic National Education Foundation, has aggregated on one platform some of the best skills-based online training in the world–SkillSoft, 180 Skills, and Harvard Managementor–and offers them at disruptively low prices to ma them affordable for those seeking to reskill. If you want to find out more, contact Tim at [email protected].
Matthew Phillips, AARP Travel Director on Transformed Traveler
As important as the technologies, trends and innovative tools are, Iris Meijer believes that long-term business success starts with customer trust. In her role as Chief Marketing Officer for Vodafone Business, she leads the team responsible for demonstrating how Vodafone can help its customers succeed in a digital world.
Eda Zahl talks tribal chiefs, Shaman and piranha from Peru.
Tales from the Amazon with Eda Zahl talking anacondas, tribal chiefs, Shaman and piranha. From her Nat Geo lineage, Eda riffs about sensory travel in one of her favorite countries of Peru.
Tales from the Amazon with Eda Zahl talking anacondas, tribal chiefs, Shaman and piranha.
Viktor Frankl's Protege Bill Halamandaris exclusive interview
Viktor Frankl, one of the world’s greatest philosophers and authors of Man’s Search for Meaning was the mentor of Bill Halamandaris. Hear this exclusive story on how Viktor changed Bill’s life.
Pauline Frommer, talks about travel in the changing world, still looking for the best value
In 1947, Arthur Frommer was touring Europe after World War II, and wrote a book Europe on $5 Per Day.
Today, his daughter Pauline leads Frommer Travel and has a clear vision for the future of travel.
Furthermore, Pauline spiels about the “boffo” business model of AirBnb and how they have captured a new interest. It’s lightning in the bottle.
So much of what makes travel so wonderful is that you can see how history effects how people live today. Read Midnight’s Child before going to India. Just be prepared by reading or researching to get the most out of each trip.
Transformed Travel with Matthew Phillips, Director of Travel for AARP talking about Jennifer Aniston
Jennifer Anniston is now a part of this travel space called AARP journeys. Enjoy our AARP Travel series with our special returning guest Matthew Phillips. Matthew talks about “instagramable trips.” This is an increasing way to share, show off and inform others of trips. Learn about AARP specials by booking on www.aarp.org. This center is powered by Expedia. Get current information relative to recent travel news. Enjoy our famous sensory lightning round with host Rick Tocquigny. How will Matthew answer questions on sites, smells, sounds, tastes, and touch???
Travel to Peru through film producer lens of Jennifer Tocquigny
You will want to travel to Peru and hike to Machu Picchu after hearing this travel show with Hollywood film producer Jennifer Tocquigny. Through Jennifer’s lens, you will journey to this beautiful land, learn about the ancient paths of the Incas, and experience this country through your five senses. Remember to acclimatize yourself to the altitude. Stay in shape to make this special pilgrimage.
Transformed Traveler adventures to Thailand with Tippi Sucharitakul
Legendary travel writer Pico Iyer talks about pilgrimage adventure and sensory travel.
Pico Iyer is one of the most awarded travel writers of the day. Our favorite books of his is The Global Soul. British-born essayist and novelist of Indian descent, he began his career documenting a neglected aspect of travel — the sometimes surreal disconnect between local tradition and imported global pop culture.
This show is presented by www.Gracefully-Yours.com greeting cards. We use these cards to celebrate birthdays and to encourage others to practice greatness. Their mentoring cards #145 are the best we have ever seen. The recipients of the cards love the sentiment and appreciate the personal touch.
Stephanie Oswald, former CNN Travel Correspondent and The Travel Girl talks about Stay-cations
The Transformed Traveler show, focused on sensory travel, features the one and only Travel Girl Stephanie Oswald, former lead travel consultant with CNN. Hear Stephanie’s suggestion on keeping young children creatively engaged while on vacation.
She provides a glimmer of hope as we all wish to go on vacation again.
Stephanie plays into our famous lightning round answering questions about favorite sites, sounds, smells, taste and touch (new people she met).
Rudy Gatlin of the Gatlin Brothers talks about the America that WORKS.
Larry, Steve, & Rudy, the Gatlin Brothers are a Grammy Award-winning trio who have dazzled audiences for more than sixty years with a lifetime of noteworthy achievements in their storybook career, including a Grammy for Best Country Song (“Broken Lady”), three ACM awards for Single of the Year (“All The Gold In California”), Album of the Year (Straight Ahead) and Male Vocalist of the Year. Join Rudy today and hear his West Texas philosophy on work ethic and patriotism.
Kelly Lang sings from the heart and a life of great experience!
Kelly Lang sings from the heart. She is the daughter of Belton Lang, long time manager for Conway Twitty. She has been in country music her entire life. She is an extraordinary singer, songwriter, best friend with Olivia Newton John and a cancer survivor. She’s also the wife of T.G. Sheppard. Hear Kelly talk about her singing style that is pure sentimental. Her life has been filled with ups and downs. When you’ve been through NOT great, you understand great times.
Legendary Doug Gray of The Marshall Tucker Band talks about Charlie Daniels, friends and fans.

Legendary Doug Gray of The Marshall Tucker Band pays tribute to Charlie Daniels
Doug Gray was born on May 22, 1948 in Spartanburg, South Carolina. While high school mates, Gray and bassist, Tommy Caldwell joined a band called The New Generation. The band consisted of: Gray on vocals; Tommy Caldwell on bass; Randy Foster on rhythm guitar; Keith Wood on lead guitar; Dan Powell on organ; and Ross Hanna on drums. In 1968, they co-wrote a single, “Because of Love (It’s All Over)” and released on a 45rpm record. After high school, The New Generation merged with another local band, The Rants, which included: guitarist, Toy Caldwell (brother of Tommy); saxophonist, keyboardist and flutist, Jerry Eubanks; and drummer, Ross Hanna (1951-2019), to form a new band called the Toy Factory. As the Vietnam War dragged on, many of the members joined various military branches with Gray joining the Army and serving in the Vietnam War.
After his duty in the military, Gray rejoined the Caldwell brothers and Eubanks of the Toy Factory. They recruited guitarist, George McCorkle along with drummer, Paul Riddle. By 1972, they changed their everlasting band name to The Marshall Tucker Band (name of man who was hometown piano tuner in the cotton-mill city of Spartanburg) . Gray remained with the band for its entire career and he is the only original member who still performs with the band today.
Gray sang lead on most of the band’s songs. For one exception, “Can’t You See,” featured founder and guitarist Toy Caldwell as the singer. In addition to singing, Gray also sometimes plays tambourine and in the band’s early days he played keyboards.
Lynn Anderson Tribute with her daughter Lisa Sutton- I Never Promised You a Rose Garden
I Never Promised You a Rose Garden was song by Lynn Anderson. Hear this special tribute from her daughter Lisa Sutton. Lessons learned from Lynn include: the greatest thing for the inside of a kid is the outside of a horse.
Lynn Rene Anderson (September 26, 1947 – July 30, 2015) was a multi-award-winning American country music singer known for a string of hits throughout the 1970s and 1980s, most notably her 1970 country-pop, worldwide megahit “(I Never Promised You a) Rose Garden”. Anderson’s crossover appeal and regular exposure on national television helped her to become one of the most popular and successful country singers of the 1970s.
Anderson charted 12 No. 1, 18 Top 10, and more than 50 Top 40 hits. In addition to being named “Top Female Vocalist” by the Academy of Country Music (ACM) twice and “Female Vocalist of the Year” by the Country Music Association (CMA), Anderson won a Grammy Award (earning seven nominations), People’s Choice Award and an American Music Award (AMA). She was named Billboard’s Female Artist of the Decade (1970–1980).
Crystal Gayle, phenomenal country western singer and extraordinary woman
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Von Kiss is an American success story! He's penned many great country songs including Whiskey, Women and Me.
Country music singer/songwriter Vonn Kiss keeps the fire lit with a new heartwarming, traditional country tune. “Whiskey, Woman & Me” premiered by Country Sway, resonates with those who may be experiencing hardship and pain, providing a lyrical shelter for the brokenhearted in search of comfort. Vonn writes through personal experience in hopes to illustrate the idea that suffering can sneak up on you and shoot when least expected but songs like “Whiskey, Woman & Me” help heal the wound. The new single is available now on all streaming platforms.
“Life can be a broken body, a broken soul, and sometimes both. You search for the answers as to why and it often takes the deeper realization of someone else’s pain to give you strength and know that you are not alone; though different, it is pain nonetheless,” shares Vonn.
This American country staple artist relentlessly continues to craft country classics that resonate with those who hold their hearts on their sleeve. Vonn’s genuine grit, determination and passion reflect a strong desire to deliver songs that leave a lasting impact. “Whiskey, Woman & Me” provides the listener with lyrics that parallel a pill that; though hard to swallow, is just what the doctor ordered. As Vonn Kiss releases one stellar single after another, fans will not want to miss what this rising star has in store for the coming months.
You can stream Vonn Kiss’s new single “Whiskey, Woman & Me” directly on Apple Music, Spotify, and Amazon Music. This single along with others are to be dropped in the coming months contributing to a highly anticipated fall album release.
Visit his website and socials linked below to keep up with future announcements and releases.
About Vonn Kiss:
Vonn Kiss realized that he had a purpose long before anyone had an opinion. It was this passion and growing positive response from fans that sent Vonn touring across the nation with country hit-maker David Allan Coe and other lyrical pioneers all while headlining his own shows. An authentic claim to fame proves Vonn Kiss & The Dark Horses stand-out singles to exist somewhere between traditional and outlaw country music. Vonn calls this format “lawless country” as he and the Dark Horses work hard to keep the timeless brand alive . It is this relentless vision that is portrayed throughout their unforgettable tracks. With each release thousands more are roped into the Vonn Kiss family. As numbers organically rise it is evident that there are no limits. Stay tuned as Vonn Kiss & The Dark Horses create standards beyond compare and deliver one of a kind music to the world.
Marty Haggard, son of Merle Haggard in a special tribute to his Dad, singer/songwriters of over 110 hits!
This is the most extraordinary exclusive interview of Marty Haggard, son of Country Western Mega Star Merle Haggard. Marty was with Dad when he wrote all his best hits. Friends of Johnny Cash, Marty Robbins, Bill Anderson, Marty got to know every single person in the country western industry through his Dad.
Raised by this grandmother for the first 12 years, Marty grew up in a railroad boxcar, then moved in with his Dad. Honest to the core, Marty is an incredible son and accomplished musician himself. Check out his website www.martyhaggard.com and see when is in concert in your area.
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Legendary Bill Anderson has had over 400 of his songs recorded by the best and brightest.
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Lacy J. Dalton belts out Hard Times and shares life near Bonanza!
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Rhonda Vincent is Country western royalty and Hall of Fame at Grand Ole Opry
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T. Graham Brown riffs about Country music. He Tells It Like It Used to BE!
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Pam Tillis, Singer of Maybe it was Memphis, shares her legendary songwriting tips
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