Mentoring Monday welcomes back 4wordwomen’s Kathleen Cooke. “Taking the Lead in Leadership with Humbleness.” In the age of selfies and “all about me” leaders who stay grounded – untarnished with themselves and their accomplishments, know humbleness is essential. A media executive,  producer/actress, writer, and global speaker, Kathleen Cooke is a founding partner at Cooke Pictures, ( where she oversees casting and is a creative director for all major projects. She is the former co-director of the global Biola Media Conference and the National Women’s ASCEND Conference and founded and directed Christian Women In Media Hollywood. She leads and inspires women involved in media and entertainment through her nonprofit, The Influence Lab ( focused on redefining Christian media strategies in the digital age. She speaks globally and presently leads Influence Women which includes quarterly gatherings and the bi-monthly Influence Women’s Journal. She’s on the advisory boards for the National Salvation Army, Hollywood Prayer Network, and 4WordWomen. She cherishes being the wife to, Phil Cooke, mother to two daughters and son-in-law, and two grandchildren. Her devotional challenges readers to engage with the Bible and releases March 2018 – Hope 4 Today: Stay Connected To God In A Distracted Culture.   

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